Our main aim is that we want the children of today to become full fledged intellectuals of tomorrow who have wide range of knowledge, deep understanding & above all a vision which could see beyond the horizon. Such a personality develops only when one has learnt not only from books but also through their own practice. This school aims at providing the necessary structure, discipline, academic atmosphere, bonafide teachers having required caliber and promotion of cultural & National integration by fostering a feeling of oneness, spirit of learner, patriotism, secular out - look & pride in cultural heritage. The present-day world being all ready very competitive we will take all necessary steps to develop and inculcate competitive instinct by organizing different kinds of competitive activities. We are also conscious that only a sound body has a sound mind, and for the same, we lay equal emphasis on physical educational programs by promoting sports, game, drills, yoga and other recreational activities.
Jehanabad, after becoming a separate district of Bihar, has developed a lot of academic potentialities which suffer only, because there is an acute dearth of a really well reputed and dedicated educational institution catering to the educational needs of the people of Jehanabad. This town has all the capabilities and prerequisite of becoming one of the educational center of the state. The fast developing academic atmosphere of this town is sure to contribute a lot to the students morever, It is just near Bodh Gaya, which is the land of Buddha and where Gautam Buddha attained enlighten or saw the truth. We have the benefit of deriving inspiration even from its ruins & remains. We are sure; people of this district are looking forward to a grand opening and starting of a really well dedicated English medium Public School. Having felt this need, we have established & started. Shanti Kunj Public School, Court Area, Jehanabad-804408 (Bihar), Telephone : 06114-222061.
# Students should attend school regularly in full school uniform which should be neat and clean.
# Students are expected to be in discipline in school and home both.
# Student are not allowed to take leave without informing school authority or without the prior permission of Parents/Guardians.
# Student name will be struck off continuous absence of 10 days without proper leave application duly signed by parents/guardian, For sick leave, certificate of the concern doctor must be submitted .
# School will not be hold responsible for any sort of natural calamity or unexpected accident or incident.
# Parents and Guardian are advised to contact the Principal to know the details about their Ward. Any discussion with the teacher concerned the possible only after the permission sought from the Principal.
# It is essential to deposit school fees in time. Delay may attract fine@ Rs 50 per Month.
# Lunch/Breakfast should be sent with students only. It is not allowed to send it during school times as it creates disturbance in studies.
# Parents/Guardians should not meet their wards in school timing unless it is very urgent.
# Parents must ensure correct date of birth and Name spelling at the time of registration. It will not be changed later.
# No change will be made in result declared.
# Teacher, Parents meeting will be conducted on every 2nd Saturday of the month.